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Finally doing some sightseeing

My first full weekend in Barcelona consisted of the beach, lots of a food and finally seeing some of the sights. Upon a text I received from my mom, (shoutout mom), that said "Have you even seen any sights yet, what are you going to take me to do when I come?" I realized that although sangria and the beach are truly two of lifes best ways to spend time, I should probably go explore a little more. So I did. You're welcome mom!

Friday evening I went to eat with some friends from my program and we found a Tex-Mex place!!!! I almost teared up as I bit into chicken enchiladas covered in zesty verde sauce. I don't know if I have ever eaten so fast in my life, not to mention actual frozen margaritas. It felt like home and I think we all needed it. From dinner, Vanessa and I went to meet a friend of mine from school who was finishing up his time in Barcelona. Upon grabbing some cervezas (people here drink A LOT....) and meeting some of his friends that he was in a program with, we all decided that we should do some sightseeing on Saturday. We said our goodbyes and agreed to meet the two boys at Plaća de Catalunya the next day at 1:30 to take the one hour train ride to Monserrat.

Monserrat is a wonderful, quaint, "city in the sky" if you will. It is famous for the large stone statue that people climb and take pictures on. Of course being four 20 something-year-olds we got lost on the way and were trapped in a random metro station for an hour, but all in good company, and it was bound to happen. Upon arrival we took an air coaster up to the city and found ourselves taking in some of the most breathtaking views we had ever encountered. After exploring the "city" (not really a city, but there are vendors, cafeterias and a monestary), we took tons of photos, grabbed some gelato and the boys decided to basically illegally climb the statue. The statue is under construction for what looked like restoration, but having traveled all this way the boys decided to slip through the fence, climb it and get a photo opp. After some painless reprimanding from the security guard and Vanessa and I nearly having heart attacks over the boys climbing so high, we got the job done. We walked some trails and basked in the fresh air and perfect climate, and later in the evening traveled back to Barcelona to get ready for a night out with friends.

As I head into my second week school will pick up and so will the activites. I plan on doing a lot more sightseeing as well!

Stay tuned,


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