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Late night thoughts

Hola mis compadres,

This post may not be my most exciting, but I feel that it may be the most important. There will be no exciting details or pictures, instead my honest thoughts and observations.

Spending time here has taught me many things. As touched on previously I have realized that no matter where you are in this world, family is family and that means something. I have been taken in by this wonderful Spanish family who not only makes me yearn for my own but also teaches me new lessons with each passing day. I have learned that time is essential, you have to make time for those who care about you.....a family meal, watching bad reality televison, or a simple chat over breakfast, it doesn't matter as long as you are together. They have also stressed the importance of laughter, I don't go 30 minutes in their modest home without a chuckle. But the most important truth has to be to always remember where you came from and to be proud of that with everything you have. The people of Catalonia are proud and respectful people, they love there country and are quick to share its history and culture. Never in a narcissistic way but one that evokes passion.

As lame as this is about to sound, I have also observed that love is something you can understand in any language. Love for a pet or love for a longtime spouse can always, universally be understood. Same with anger, no matter the time, place or langauge you can spot a fight from a mile away. This seems so great to me, almost comforting. No matter where you are, there will always be several pillars of life that you will pick up on.

Most importantly, I have learned that you can always survive more than you think and that if you give yourself enough time, you will always adjust. My time here has been wonderful. But do I get homesick? Yes. Do I sometimes get frustrated with the language barrier? Yes. And do I miss air conditioning? HECK YES! But this is good for me. Its good not to have things catered to me, to have to step way outside of my comfort zone. To be uncomfortable is to grow. I came on this trip not only to experience other cultures and see the world but also to expand myself as a person and to let go of some unnecessary extremities back home.

I only hope I teach this place as much as it has taught me.


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